Wedding tears

Created by Steven one year ago
It was a family wedding. I don't remember who was getting married or how old I was, but I was still small. Now I've never found social gatherings very comfortable and crowds and noise made me nervous even then. I had (and still have) the habit of trying to slip away from parties. On this occasion something must have happened because I remember I was sitting by myself outside the hall where the festivities were taking place and I was crying my eyes out. Aunt Kit came across me, but instead of scolding me for being silly or telling me to get a grip, she sat down beside me and spoke gently to me, not in a condescending way, but as if I were an adult and an equal. She listened to my childish despair and patiently coaxed from me what had happened. She folded her arm around my shoulders and drew me close and softly wiped my tears away. I don't know how long we sat there, but it felt like hours. That kind and compassionate gesture meant the world to me.